Tendril Pea


A Pea Microgreen Variety

SKU: GTO-TPEA Category: Tag:

Tendril Pea are short and have long wild tendrils. They only grow to about 3 to 4 inches, apart from their long stemmed speckled pea cousins. perfect for restaurants to display on their plates to enhance a new level of intimate curiosity of their food from their customers.


Slightly sweet, substantial crunchy shoots.

Nutritional Content:

High in vitamin K, vitamin B1, B2, and B6. A great source of Copper, Phosphorous, Folate, Manganese, Zinc, Folate, Niacin, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Choline. Scientific studies have shown that this combination of vitamins and minerals have major health benefits if consumed daily.

Health Benefits:

  • Helps prevent and treat cancer (Especially Stomach Cancer)
  • Anti-Aging Properties
  • Weight Management
  • Blood Sugar Regulation (Great for Diabetics)
  • Heart Disease Prevention
  • Reduces Bad Cholesterol
  • Strengthens Immune System
  • Increases Energy
  • Helps Prevent Alzheimer's

Additional information

Weight 10 oz

2oz, 8oz, 16oz